Putting The Care in Hair Care
I founded SuesyCoilsCare in 2019. As a young college student who was trying to learn & manage my hair I got tired of suffering from the horrible effects of mainstream products. I had countless allergic reactions from certain chemicals in mainstream products that are often overlooked.
I took the time to research and create products that would not only made my hair/body look good but feel good as well. I created products with healing properties that nourish the body inside and out. My products are created with purpose and that purpose is to HEAL.
Throughout my hair journey I noticed something was missing. I realized there wasn’t a space that provided tools, tips, guidance, and/or just overall support for managing curly/coily hair. My natural hair journey started in 2016. At that time, education about curly/coily hair was few and far in between. I didn’t have anywhere to go and get the help I truly needed. From 2016- 2021, I had an uphill battle with learning and discovering what my hair needed to flourish. In 2022, I launched “The Coiled Connection”- A Safe Space And Resource to Learn & Grow Through Your Hair Journey. I created this community because it is what I wish I had when I went natural, and I see that many curly/coily -haired peeps can benefit from a space like that.
Secquoyah Lacy aka Suesy Coils
The Brand
What Makes Suesy Coils Care Different?
Here at SuesyCoilsCare we educate, support and provide coily haired people with the tools needed throughout their healthy hair journey.
Core Values
Education is our #1 value b/c no matter where you are on your hair journey, knowing what your hair needs plays an important role in embracing and feeling empowered by your hair.
We value support and because we are in different stages of our hair journey it is important that we offer different levels of community. Suesycoilscare is a safe space to share, learn, and grow judgement free regardless of where you are on your journey.
Be it mental or physical health they are both important for your hair’s success throughout your journey.
We pride ourselves with providing new and innovative ways to make managing and caring for your hair easier.
The Blog
Suesy Coils Care is a personal blog that documents and shares all things that I, Suesy Coils, care about.
The goal is to share with other like minded people all things and information that has helped me and continues to help me throughout my own personal journey.
Be it hair, lifestyle, or personal development, Suesy Coils Care will give you access to hacks, cheat sheets, products, and a lot of other things that help carry me thorugh life. My goal is that some of these things will help guide you through your own journey.
The Store
Hair & Skin Products
All Products created with plant-based preserving ingredients that support the health of the overall product and you.
Digital Products
Our digital products are created to educate and support you through new hair topics or personal hair issues you might struggle with.
The Community
Coiled Connection Community
A Safe Space And Resource to Learn & Grow Through Your Hair Journey
Who is it For?
- A safe space to for those who want to learn to love & manage their hair without the judgement of society.- A safe space to let go of the stigma impressed upon our hair.- A safe space to become comfortable with your hair and love it for what it is.
It's Purpose
The Coiled Connection Community was created to uplift, educate, and encourage coily-haired peeps as we discover the beauty of our various curls, kinks & coils.
It's Focus
Creating a safe space that is Positive, Educational, Uplifting, Encouraging and switches the narrative and perspective of our hair.
What happens inside the community?
-Tips, advice, & education about hair care practices -Group encouragement and support -Wash day motivation -Weekly discussion about stigmas, misconceptions, and new practices regarding hair care.
Join our newsletter and never miss out on opprotunites to get the care you need. You can look forward to hair care tips, new blog posts, product launches, giveaways, and support throughout your journey.